Chapter 27 - Guns for wives, a bullet for husband

A day later Jackson has all the required materials to start making the Upgraded Nitro express rifle. Right on the front of Jackson laid 30 bars of Black tempered steel, beast blood and some tools for carving out array formations. He started making the barrels for the gun, This time Jackson slightly changed the size and length of the barrel.

The Barrel length is now 28 inches or 0.72 in meters which is slightly longer than the previous one. Jackson noticed that the weight did not bother the girls before so this time he decided to increase the barrel to increase the range of the gun.

Jackson created 16 barrels to make 8 nitro express rifles. The barrels looked very appealing to the eye now that Jackson used Black tempered steel. The black tempered steel gave the barrel a beautiful black color and with a close look you can see bright red crack-like patterns all over the barrel giving it a beautiful crack glass design. This was the effect of the beast blood sipping through the metal.

Jackson was satisfied with how it looked. Jackson planned to make 6 nitro express for his wives therefore he carefully designed the nitro with hand crafted aesthetics.Of course Tool Maker would be the one carving it but it will be Jackson who designs the art for the weapon.

After each piece was completed Jackson then assembled them together. Now it was time to put some art into it. Jackson wondered how he should design them. His first thought was that his wives are 3 pairs of twins therefore he should make pairs to match each of them.

Jackson called Tool Maker and pulled out her database on wood that was found round the rocky mountain. Tool Maker showed Jackson 7 types of trees with its data on how strong, durable, flexible or color of the wood are.

Jackson inspected each type of wood from Tool Maker. First was a wood called redwood tree named after its durability and color. Next was black birch tree named after its coal like color and this wood is very flexible. Next is a bamboo tree named after its bamboo-like internals structures, it looks like any other tree on earth but when cut open it was hollow like a bamboo. It is not very useful other than using it for furniture and fire wood.

Following that was a gold oak tree named after its durability and strength and its pale yellow wood color, this wood is perfect for building structures and houses. Next is swamp wood, named after how the wood is always damp and very resistant to rotting, good for building boats or house roofs. Next is Steel wood, named after its steel-like appearance, A rare type of wood, silver in color just like steel. Lastly is ash wood named after ash like color and resistance to fire and durability.

Jackson picks out 3 wood in which he will use to make the wooden parts of the rifles. He picked out Redwood, Gold Oak and Ash wood. He started to shape the wood into a stock and handle for the nitro express rifles.

Once he was done, he took the redwood and began carving out designs onto it. Jackson drew his eldest wife's name Faith and Hope surrounded by beautiful roses to match the color onto the redwood rifle stock and then Jackson labeled the gun with Goldsmith.

After Jackson finished his designs for the gun stock he gave it to Took Maker and instructed her. "Here is how I want it to look. Print the Goldsmith in gold and Faith and Hope name in silver. Just highlight the flowers in black ink to make them pop out." Jackson planned to color the names that way to highlight the family names. Gold for goldsmith and silver for Faith Silver and Hope Silver.

Next Jackson picked up a pair of Gold oak and started crafting the stock and handle. This time he carved Ann And Anya name onto the stock but surrounded the name with birds and branches.

He gave it to Tool Maker after finishing up the designs just like before Jackson told Tool Maker his surname and the girls name in gold and silver.

Lastly Jackson Took out the Ash wood and began to carve in some designs. Jackson drawn in Lili and Lulu names followed by blacksmiths tools to surround the names and handed it to Tool Maker.

Hours later Jackson Finished all of the guns and was ready to be enchanted by array formations. Jackson's knowledge widens because of Faith and Hope help. Both the sisters created new array formations using Jackson logics.

Jackson looked at the guns and took out his tools to craft in the array formations. His previous arrays formation he used for the guns was slightly upgraded by the two sisters and because of the materials used Jackson can now carve in 5 arrays into the gun instead of 3.

The first array formation Jackson carved was projectile acceleration. Different from increased projectile speed, This projectile acceleration increases bullet speed and clears air around it, this causes the bullet to travel faster and does not lose any of its power when traveling. Projectile acceleration array also has an element of lightning to increase its speed. The combination of each of the arrays turns the gun into a handheld railgun.

The next array was Bulwark. This was a combination of hardened and increased durability array formations increasing the gun strength. Next is a swift boulder array that will help decrease frictions on the bullet and increase its weight making the bullet many times more powerful. Next is the beast eye array which acts like a scope and can zoom in and out. Lastly is an array called linked. This array formation allows the weapon to float close to its user. This array formation was mainly used for flying swords by cultivators but Jackson used it to help the girls not lose their gun during the fight.

Looking at the finished pairs of guns on the table Jackson was satisfied and could not wait to give them to his wives but they came to him first. Jackson heard the door open behind him, Turning around he saw Faith and her sisters come in together.

"Hello guys, What's up? I was about to go look for you" Jackson greeted the sister with a smile.

The sisters also greeted Jackson back and Faith handed Jackson a wooden box. "What is it?" Jackson asked Faith while gently taking the box off her hands.

"It's the Bullets me and Hope created. We just finished with all the testing and reworking and this is our final product" Faith gently opens the box on Jackson hands. Inside show 3 bullets, one was black tip with silver casing, another with red tip and also silver casing and lastly is green tip with black casing.

Jackson inspected each of the new ammo types for the nitro. He was surprised that the tips doesn't look like solid metal but it looks like energy contained in a glass container. Jackson looked at Faith and asked for some explanation. "What are these? What did you use to make them?"

"These 3 are the new types of bullets me and Hope just invented. We used blood Iron to make the tip since they are very good at gathering spirit energy. As for the case we used spirit steel, it is enough to hold off the explosive power after lunching out the projectile." Faith introduces the ammos that she and her sister just created.

"Blood Iron? Oh the one made from beast blood and spirit iron? But how did it end up looking like this? What are their effects?" Jackson continued to ask Faith about their invention. Faith happily answered Jackson's question. She was proud of her work and wanted to show it off to Jackson hoping to get some praise.

"We used array formations on the projectile itself and when Blood Iron and array formation mixed it looked like this. The Blood Iron is able to contain the energy gathered by the array formation by adapting to it just like some beast." Faith explains why the bullets looked like liquid energy inside a glass.

"Yes, My sister and I never knew this could happen but it was only possible because of your techniques in array formation crafting" Hope was still praising Jackson coding array techniques. Her and her sister were hooked into learning more about it. It was simple to understand and far more effective. With Jackson coding techniques they could almost make anything they just needed to find out the sequence for an array formation they wanted.

"My coding theory may be good but it still requires a talented person to understand and use it." Jackson just smiles at Hope's praises. "Both of you are very talent if this was back on earth you two would be geniuses in the field of web developers"

"Hehe, Well Thanks for the compliments. Here let me explain what each of these bullets can do." Hope was happy that Jackson complemented her talents and changed the topic back to ammo types inside the box to hide her embarrassment.