Chapter 37 - Heated Up Conversation

"Impossible! How He doesn't even have any cultivation, how he is able to beat that beast I don't believe it" Coleman who alway looked calm argued with Lili. To him Jackson only looked like a rich young master who sends his subordinates to battle and uses their lives as if they were nothing but air.

Coleman who was level 4 could not even protect his home from the beast tide let alone some no cultivation brat. Lili heard Colemans words and got mad at him, Lili would not let anyone bad mouth her husband.

""Hump, who are you? My husband may not have any cultivation but his power is undeniable. Just because you are level 4 at your age doesn't make you the strongest, there always be someone far stronger." Lili stepped forward, crossing her arms around her bountiful chest and argued back on Colemans words while looking at him in disdain.