Chapter 102 - Dealing with Flies

Within the cover of the darkness a thousand red eyes glow as it looks down the ten corpses of the assassin ants before slowly taking them away. Once the corpses of the ten assassin ants were taken away and hiding, all the red eyes appeared hidden in the dark once again.

Somewhere not too far from where the killing happened the sisters swiftly made their way through all the poisoned shadow flies. Village chief Hur has given a little nod and praised them in his head on how powerful they were.

"So far the children have shown great power and a good mind to think of a way to out smart their opponent but I wonder if they can deal with a true threat or not? From the way they look here they might finish this test soon." Village chief Hut started to think that the girls had the power to fight those who are higher than them but was a little disappointed that he would not be  able to see them on this test.