Chapter 162 - Thunder God Decend

Far away from the battle two figures were running away one was holding the other in her arms as the other was unconscious but suddenly as if the other was struck by a bolt of lighting. The man in her arms suddenly woke up like he had an intense nightmare.

Yes, these two are Henry and Gayu who fled away from the battle following Henry instructions but at this very moment Henry woke up very panicked and quickly shouted at Gayu to increase her speed. "Oh no, You must run away from here and hide behind cover! Quickly!"

Gayu was confused and quickly looked around and even used her spirit energy to see if anyone was trailing them but she found no signs of an enemy close by or following them. "Lord Henry, I am glad that you are fine but there is no need to be nervous, we are almost at the gate." Gayu said relieved that Henry looked fine but a moment later she saw Henry gritting his teeth in pain.