Chapter 175 - Moving

"Young Master" Calling out to Jackson who is standing on the top of the wall looking out on the beautiful fields just outside the town walls. Jackson was here waiting for all the preparation to be complete and they would start moving to go back home. 

As Jackson looked out to the fields in front of him, he could not help but admire the view and the relaxing fresh air of this world. Earth is a great place and very peaceful but it is not at breathtaking as this world, both worlds has their own advantages and disadvantages but even so Jackson is started to love this world despite the dangers lurking on every corner. 

Jackson turned around to see Zala standing behind him waiting for him to answer. Jackson smiled and said. "Let's go home now." Jackson said as he began to walk towards the location of the massive gentle giant while Zala behind only nodded before disappearing in the shadows.