Chapter 241 - Granberd Stoneforge

As the last of the troublemakers were escorted out of the grand dining hall, Jackson turned his attention to the old dwarven leader who had remained seated, savoring his meal. The atmosphere shifted from tension to a more subdued ambiance as the two leaders prepared to engage in a different kind of conversation.

With a calm yet inquisitive expression, Jackson approached the old dwarf and sat opposite of him. "I must admit, I'm curious about your perspective on all this. You seem unfazed by the recent events. May I know your name?" Jackson asked the old dwarf who was happily munching on his food. 

Seeing just how happy he was, like a homeless person who got his first meal after a few weeks of going hungry, Jackson took out a bottle of one of their fine wines. Jackson gently handed it to Varshir who stayed and kept playing her role as the server of fine dining.