Chapter 267 - Recognition

As Orion's laughter rang through the air, his demeanor shifting from seriousness to a more lighthearted tone, he couldn't help but notice the intricate design of Elder Galfa's armored suit. With a curious gleam in his eyes, he reached out to touch the metallic surface, running his hands over the elaborate patterns and engravings.

Galfa tensed slightly at the unexpected contact, feeling the weight of Orion's hands on his armored shoulders. Despite the discomfort, he held himself still, allowing Orion to inspect the suit. Orion's fingers traced the lines of the armor with a practiced touch, his expression one of genuine fascination. "Impressive craftsmanship," he remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "Each detail tells a story of an incredible skill and dedication of its creator. However, there is something else.. But what is it."