V2 Chapter 9 : A Place To Rest.

As Boss and his companions exited the restaurant, they carried with them the lingering echoes of laughter and the warmth of shared memories. The night air was crisp and refreshing, a stark contrast to the cozy ambiance of the dining establishment they had just left behind.

As they stepped out onto the bustling streets, illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, the group continued to chatter animatedly, their voices filled with excitement and satisfaction. The experience of indulging in exquisite wine and succulent steak had left them feeling invigorated, their senses heightened by the culinary delights they had enjoyed.

"So, boss, what's the plan now? Fancy checking out the pleasure district?" one of the group members asked with a mischievous grin, sidling up to Boss with a knowing look. Boss's expression darkened momentarily, but he quickly composed himself, relieved that the women in their group were engrossed in their own conversation at the back.