V2 Chapter 35 : The Army Hunt.

A few hours later, Von exited the Red Scale Restaurant, his mind buzzed with thoughts and questions spurred by the dwarf's cryptic words. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Genesis Village than met the eye, and he was determined to uncover its secrets.

As he walked through the dimly lit streets, Von's men followed closely behind, chatting amongst themselves and seemingly unaware of their leader's preoccupation. However, one of them soon noticed Von's distracted demeanor and furrowed his brow in concern.

"Hey, Boss," the man called out, falling into step beside him. "You seem awfully quiet. Everything okay?" Von glanced sideways at his companion, momentarily torn between sharing his thoughts and keeping the dwarf's words to himself. But ultimately, he decided to keep his musings to himself for the time being.