Evil Thoughts

"Chief inspector, what I want to ask is…"

Zhao Siman looked at the leader in front of her and thought for a while before asking, "I want to know why the person called Xu Wenping who was just captured was locked in the account. If he has no problems, we can let him go."

When she asked, there was a hint of worry between her brows.


The chief inspector raised his head and looked at the female subordinate in front of him. He said word by word, "He's a suspect and injured someone. Naturally, we can't let him go."

"But he already said that it's not his problem. Besides, our evidence is not enough to file a case against him."

Zhao Siman looked at her direct superior with a stubborn expression.

Although she seemed to be cold when she was targeting Xu Wenping, she was still very calm.

However, she was meticulous about the judicial process.