Closed Door Meditation for Scientific Research

"When you are monitoring here, remember one thing. If this data indicator doesn't come, once it reaches this position, call me immediately. Then, I'll readjust it. After all, this is our first time working together. This needs to be adjusted back and forth, understand?"

"Alright, I understand."

"Alright then. Also, I believe you guys have already divided the work. Now, continue according to your goals."

"However, we have already encountered a bottleneck problem that has not been solved before. If we can't extract those elements, we can't continue at all."

"The reason why I'm adjusting this machine for you is so that you can extract one of the bit elements first. Don't worry, after this indicator is adjusted, you should see the results very soon this morning. In addition, I'll adjust the remaining machines one by one."

"Alright, I understand."