Eating, Drinking, and Playing to Your Heart's Content, You're Delicious Too!

"Hurry up and send it in."

The voice coming from the room was very strange.

The first half of the sentence came in a woman's voice, but the pronunciation of the second half was rough.

An inexplicable power pushed the blonde woman in.

In the room, there was a stench that made people feel like rotten eggs had been thrown there.

The blonde woman who was pushed in was shocked when she saw Old Ghost from Black Mountain.

Old Ghost from Black Mountain was not ugly, but its appearance was simply indescribable—he was like a rotten wooden sculpture.

"I haven't tasted a human in a long time."

Old Ghost from Black Mountain stretched out his five fingers; his nails were 30 centimeters long.

The blonde woman who had been sucked over was still shouting desperately.

For some reason, the louder the blonde woman screamed, the more sinister Old Ghost from Black Mountain's smile became.