They're All Well, I Like This Place So Much!

The situation on the Vengeful Red Ladies' side was worlds apart compared to that on the side of the red-haired eerie ones.

Room D2.

Three female eerie ones in white fluttered as they danced in the room.

The sound of instruments was no longer filled with sadness. It became cheerful.

A group of red-haired eerie ones lined up and served Su Qianqian instead.

"Little Princess, do you like this ghost shadow goblet?"

A red-haired eerie one placed a goblet the size of a head in front of Su Qianqian.

There were two shadows dancing in the goblet.

Obviously, this was a toy from the eerie world.

"That's so new!"

Su Qianqian's eyes were fixed on the two ghosts in the cup.

It was her first time seeing such a toy, so she naturally found it novel.

"Little Princess, look at this serial pupil pearl. Does it look good?"

Another red-haired eerie one placed a treasure in front of Su Qianqian.