I Heard The Station Director Went To Eat!

Long Lianfang was so excited that she wished she could give Ghost King Burial Mound manual work service 100 more times.

However, she really could not take it anymore!

Blue Planet, Dragon Country. Jiangyang City Center, Leading Authorities of the Great Xia.

"Long Lianfang got a ghost dao pill from Ghost King Burial Mound."

"In the future, Long Lianfang will become a super trump card of our Supremacy Company."

"Although the method was a little unbearable, the process is not important."

"Of course. What's important is the outcome."

The employees of the Leading Authorities Company were all envious of Long Lianfang.

Especially the head of the Celestial Masters Department, the man who was blind in one eye. He was even more excited than Long Lianfang herself.

"Lil' Fang, well done, haha."

The blind man took out a bottle of white wine from his counter and looked at the screen alone to celebrate.