The Story Between the Ghost Queen and Su Yang!

Even if Yellow Springs Station had a backup plan, the ghost queen did not panic at all.

The ghost queen's confidence naturally came from the fact that her master was Su Yang.

"Big sister eerie, the fireworks are so beautiful!" As Su Qianqian had been put under the ghost queen's high-level ghost curse, she saw the bloody scene here as fireworks.

Hearing this, the ghost queen squatted down in fear, and said to Su Qianqian, "Small Master, I'm your ghost slave. I can't bear the title of elder sister!"

Su Qianqian said honestly, "Daddy said that I should call those who are beautiful big sisters. You're eerie. Ale, did I call you wrongly?"

If Zhao Wenwen heard this, she would probably be furious because Su Qianqian called her auntie!

"Small Master, if possible, just call me Xiaoqian."