A Lv.16 Golden Mountain's Great Ghost King!

The ghost queen muttered to herself again, "This ghost queen miscalculated."

The ghost queen found it very strange. It was absolutely impossible for a lv.11 or lv.12 ghost station commander to gather the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

The so-called Night Parade of One Hundred Demons was led by a great ghost king or great ghost queen that was at least lv.15. He or she further commanded five types of lv.15 ghost kings or queens. Those in turn led five types of primary ghost-type eerie, who led other five types of primary ghosts each, with the latter still leading five types of lesser eerie.

The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons was formed by four times 25 eerie ones.

'Could it be that the original station master of Yellow Springs Station is one of the members of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons!'