Your Potential Is Higher Than Su Yang's?

Wu Lanqing thought about it carefully. Spells were also a form of power, just like Buddhism and Dao.

Ke Xin recalled how Su Qianqian had scared off that bear-headed beastman.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Su Qianqian was extraordinary.

To be precise, the more mysterious Su Qianqian's father was, the more powerful he was.

Ke Xin had thought that she could meet Su Yang as a top celebrity, but now that she thought about it, she felt that she had been too conceited.

If his five-year-old daughter knew high-level spells, then as her father, Su Yang would be strong enough to not only sweep through a 4-star Otherworld Instance Dungeon, but also a 5-star Otherworld Instance Dungeon.

In that case, Yu Fuxue couldn't compare to Su Yang at all.

The viewers in the Heavenly Dao live-stream were still discussing crazily.

"If Su Qianqian knows magic, and it's a high-level magic, then who taught her magic?"