Shock Wave From The Otherworldly Beast King!

The crystals in the bodies of otherworldly beasts contained a strange power. When people ate them, they would enter a crazy state. They would bite everything they saw like mad dogs.

It felt like the blood of a beast was boiling, but humans could not control it at all. Instead, they were devoured.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the golden-backed ape kept beating its chest.

It seemed to have something to say.

Su Qianqian immediately understood, and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

The golden-backed ape roared.

Su Qianqian handed the blue bead in her hand to the golden-backed ape.

Although this blue bead was the size of an egg, it was the size of a soybean in the golden-backed ape's hand.

The golden-backed ape immediately ate the blue bead.


In an instant, the sound of bones cracking came from the golden-backed ape's body.

Not only that, the golden-backed ape's body was growing crazily at a visible speed.