They're Just Some Pretentious People!

"Xia Xianglan, I want to kill you!"

"You vicious woman, you killed our Xinxin!"

"I will curse you for the rest of your life!"

Ke Xin's loyal fans were already in a frenzy.

They blamed Xia Xianglan for Ke Xin's death.

However, the fact that Xia Xianglan dared to do this meant that she did not care about the threats of the secular world at all.

The netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream sighed.

"It turns out that it's better to rely on oneself than on others!"

"That's right. Only when you're strong can you be truly powerful."

"What about Su Qianqian? Isn't she relying on her father?"

"How can this be the same? Su Qianqian is Su Yang's daughter!"

The viewers were even more envious of Su Qianqian for having such a powerful father.

The Island of Wild Beastmen.

Zhao Feiya was hiding on a big tree. Her breathing was very light as she was afraid that the beastmen would find her.