Wild Beastmen Island's Safe Zone!

After drinking milk, Su Qianqian even said thanks.

"Thank you, strange auntie!"

Su Qianqian knew that it was a bottle of milk placed by Xia Xianglan.

"Qianqian, we can't stay here for too long." Zhao Feiya believed that since there was a nest of pythons in the hot spring, there had to be a bigger one around.

It might be out for food or something.

It might even be a python otherworldly beast that was stronger than the python beastman.

"Okay." Su Qianqian actually nodded in agreement.

It wasn't that Su Qianqian listened to Zhao Feiya, but she also wanted to leave this place.

Now, Su Qianqian, Zhao Feiya, and Wang Qiuhui looked very strange in their clothes.

Su Qianqian was still wearing the yellow duck clothes, while Zhao Feiya had been modified into a cat-eared girl.

As for Wang Qiuhui, she was wearing the panda costume that Su Qianqian had given her.

From afar, one might really think that they were three animals.