Legendary Trump Card Of The Dragon Country, Yu Fuxue!

As everyone knew, the Otherworld Instance Dungeon with a 5-star difficulty had only descended five times.

However, it had descended from the demon world, the otherworldly beast world, the eerie world, and the monster world, and the Otherworld Instance Dungeon with a 5-star difficulty this time was in the devilkind world.

At the top of the Otherworld Forum.

"I think I've discovered a pattern."

"What pattern?"

"The Otherworld Instance Dungeon with a 5-star difficulty level will descend once every five years."


"That's because no one has passed the trial in the past five years. That's why they entered the Otherworld Instance Dungeon with a 1-star difficulty. It doesn't descend once every five years."

It was undeniable that the higher the difficulty of the Otherworld Instance Dungeon, the lower the chance of descending.