Welcome To The Nine Nether Demon Cave!

This time, unlike the dungeon trial in The Island of Wild Beastmen, the Chosen Ones were not spawned separately.

Instead, they were all gathered at a towering hill.

Many Chosen Ones of the Dragon Country consciously stood beside Yu Fuxue.

As for why they did not stand by Su Qianqian's side, the reason was very simple. Su Qianqian was only five years old. Even if she had the ability to save their lives, it was impossible for her to take care of everyone.

Yu Fuxue was different. She was very strong, and she was from the Shenzhou Institute with the highest credibility. In addition, Yu Fuxue wouldn't leave others in the lurch.

Su Qianqian looked around the hill, and realized that the surrounding soil was red, and there were no signs of weeds.

Yu Fuxue's gaze landed on Su Qianqian.

She had seen Su Qianqian many times in the live broadcast of the Heavenly Dao live-stream.