The Most Realistic Is The Most Useful!

While Yu Fuxue and the others were on the way to the sixth checkpoint, Fang Xiaoling was actually reading Yuan Zhao's mind.

Rather than saying that she could read his mind, it was more like she could hear Yuan Zhao's thoughts.

At this moment, Fang Xiaoling walked to Yuan Zhao's side.

"Uncle Yuan, you don't have to doubt me. In fact, there were extraordinary people among our ancestors," Fang Xiaoling said honestly.

Hearing this, Yuan Zhao looked at Fang Xiaoling in surprise, but he only saw through it, and did not say out loud what he understood.

Fang Xiaoling smiled, and said, "Uncle Yuan, you're really a pragmatic person. Do you have a son?"

Yuan Zhao said truthfully, "I don't have a son. I have two daughters two to three years younger than you."

Yuan Zhao also knew that Fang Xiaoling was 20 years old, and his two daughters were only 17 or 18 years old.

Yuan Zhao said, "My two daughters are not in a situation like mine!"