Legend Of The Dragon Kingdom 24 Years Ago!

Yu Fuxue and the others seemed to know that the fourth trial was a true life and death test for them.

They were not confident that they could survive the chaos in Nine Nether Devil City.

Taking a step back, even if the fourth trial was not participating in the chaotic killing, it was still closely related to the latter.

On the way, Qin Baiguang and Mao Yao started talking.

Fang Xiaoling and Mu Lanlan were also talking.

They were all making sufficient preparations for the arrival of Trial Four.

If they did not treat it seriously and with care, they would be taking their lives lightly.

Yu Fuxue and Yuan Zhao chatted with their demon pets.

A familiar was equivalent to their right-hand man. They had to take it seriously.

To Fang Xiaoling and Mu Lanlan, they were not just left and right hands. They were simply the only weapons. The two were only the hearts that commanded the devilish creatures to fight.