Do You Think The Killing Of Devilish Creatures Is Like The Animal World Documentary?

The day ended.

Next day.

The red sun above Nine Nether Demon City had really become full.

Intense devil qi surged into the city like a tsunami.

At this moment, the horn of Grand Murder Rampage was officially blown.

Can you believe it?

Su Qianqian played at the magic bullet venue for the entire day.

She had already mastered all kinds of fancy magic bullets, such as lightning-type magic bullets and curving-type magic bullets.

The most exaggerated thing was that she had also mastered a homing-type magic bullet.

Otherwise, why would she play at the magic bullet venue for so long?

However, she was almost done playing.

She planned to go somewhere else to play.

Su Qianqian turned around, but she did not see the blue cat devilish creature behind her.

However, she heard a very loud commotion outside the arena.

However, after a while, there was no more movement.

Then, a blue cat ran in.