Su Yang, Whose Strength Has Reached The Human Emperor Realm!

After the violent wave subsided, the blue cat devilish creature still stood on the spot unscathed.

The Heavenly Devil Envoy could not understand why the blue cat devilish creature was not injured at all.

The destructive power of the wild wave spell was so great that even devihumans of the same level would be severely injured by it.

Devilish creatures below lv.29 could not survive at all.

The Heavenly Devil Envoy even thought of the strength of the blue cat devilish creature. It was not at the Heavenly Devil level at all, but at a higher level.


In the upper right corner of the Heavenly Devil Hall.

Su Qianqian held a key, and opened the bronze treasure chest.

There was really something in the bronze treasure chest.

It was a small blue bead.

Seeing this, the blue cat devilish creature looked at the small bead in Su Qianqian's hand, and actually meowed.

"Thank you, Master. I'm finally free."