A Foundation Establishment Cultivator Appeared!

"Do all capable people like to pretend like this?"

"First suppressed, then rise. Pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger? Or don't bully the poor youth?"

"Liu Tianguang is already 42 years old. How can he still be a youth? Haha!"

"In short, all the big shots love to pretend, but there's only one person above them!"

The only person the netizens thought of was Su Yang.

It was not that they felt that Su Yang was not pretending, but that he was too good at pretending.

They hadn't even seen him!

Everyone only saw his photo.

However, the netizens could understand.

It was like playing a game. He had already reached lv.38 or lv.39. Who would still wander around the beginner village?

Furthermore, the netizens knew from Su Qianqian's words that Su Yang often returned home covered in wounds.