Is This The Legendary Immortal Body?

"She's still breathing!"

"It's been so long, but she's still alive?"

"The blood must have dried up. I can see the blood all over the ground."

"It's only three minutes!"

"It's been four minutes."

Through the live broadcast, the netizens saw that not only was Miaomiao not dead, but she could also move.

However, Miaomiao's face was much paler. After all, she had bled so much.

The Heaven-rank eerie also sensed something amiss.

However, he was still waiting for Miaomiao to die in pain and fear.

Perhaps it was because this eerie one liked to enjoy things slowly after death?

Five minutes passed.

The blood in Miaomiao's body was almost drained, but she was still moving.

At this moment, the eerie one realized that this human woman was not ordinary.

"What are you? How can a human still be alive?" this Heaven-rank eerie one questioned Miaomiao.

Little did he know that Miaomiao was also very panicked.