It's Over, You Actually Didn't Give Me Money!

"I can't burn."

Li Xingyuan was not angry. He continued, "Because I'm just like you. We're both humans!"

"Then goodbye, Uncle!"

Su Qianqian waved her hand, looked at the arrowhead above her head, and walked away.

After Su Qianqian walked far away, the three female eerie finally dared to step out from behind Li Xingyuan.

However, the three women were still in a state of shock.

"What a terrifying human girl!"

"Second Sister, why is she different from the humans I know?"

"I think she's scary too. She's clearly a human girl, but how can she be so fierce!"

The three female eerie were still traumatized by the incident.

Su Qianqian had clearly not done anything. She had only said a few words, but they were already trembling in fear.