You Want To Revolt In The Netherworld Hell?

"A rich lady eerie?"

"In the Netherworld Hell, there are very few rich eerie ladies with 20,000,000 hell coins, right?"

"Unless it's to make 100 rich female eerie fall in love with him?"

The netizens thought that the eerie having 20,000,000 hell coins were probably counted on one or two hands in the Netherworld Hell.

Of course, the method that the Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen meant was definitely not to find a rich woman.

The Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen said to Su Qianqian, "You can become the gatekeeper of the Netherworld Night Court Pass, Small Master!"

Before Su Qianqian could answer, the Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen denied it herself.

"No, this method is too dangerous." The Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen felt that even if Su Qianqian's Ghost Dao strength reached the Ghost Emperor level, she was still no match for the Ghost Emperor of Serene Moon Court Pass.