Technical Exchange Between Him And The Eerie!

The netizens gave Li Xingyuan and the Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass a very high evaluation of this love story that transcended time and space.

Actually, there were already netizens who knew why the Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass had aged so quickly and why her figure had deformed.

23 years ago, Li Xingyuan had entered an Otherworld Instance Dungeon in the eerie world to undergo a trial. He had almost died.

It was the Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass who had activated a ghost curse that would reduce her Yin and lifespan and treated Li Xingyuan.

Li Xingyuan was a loyal man. How could he despise the Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass who had changed drastically?

Moreover, Li Xingyuan was also an old uncle, but he had worn the painting skin.

10 minutes later.

In a dim garden.

Li Xingyuan and the Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass were extremely intimate. They were just short of going in to communicate.