Taking In The Ghost Empress Of Qingming Pass As A Ghost Servant!

The Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass said, "The price to pay for taking in a Ghost Emperor eerie as a ghost servant is a backlash."

"Devouring the master?" Li Xingyuan asked.

The Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass nodded. Then, she looked at Li Xingyuan, and said, "Husband, when the strength of us eerie reaches lv.30, there will be a kind of resentment on our bodies. Whether we subdue or submit, as long as we become ghost servants, the resentment will transfer to our master. This is a backlash."

The Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass continued, "Even the Earth Store Bodhisattva doesn't dare to take in eerie at lv.30 as ghost servants."

Deng Yugang asked, "Sister-in-law, did the benefits that the Solitary Mountain's Ghost Queen obtained increase her ghost dao strength?"

The Ghost Empress of Qingming Pass replied, "It's not only the increase in ghost dao strength, but also the increase in Yin lifespan."