A Case Of Murder Caused By Clothes!

The Demon Eating Flower knew that the Black Bear Spirit would not let Su Qianqian leave so easily.

The Demon Eating Flower begged, "Black Bear King, please let Sister Qianqian off."

Hearing this, the Black Bear Spirit snorted, and said, "Although I'm honest, I hate cunning people the most."

As soon as these words were spoken, it made the netizens in the Heavenly Dao's live-stream unable to hold it in anymore.

"What the f*ck? He's still pretending?"

"Are all demons so shameless?"

"You're still honest? You're simply full of evil tricks."

"It's not like you all don't know that demons are so cunning."

The netizens knew how good the demons in the demon world were at lying.

He was used to putting himself at the highest point of morality, and then fooling and deceiving.

Even if he was exposed, he refused to admit it.

Unless he was exasperated, he was still so cunning.