Wang Wanqing Fights A Thousand-Year Lich!

On Mountain of Myriad Boats, wind, rain, lightning, and thunder gathered.

This was not Wang Wanqing summoning a divine dragon!

Instead, she was fighting a demon.

This demon looked like a savage. Its entire body was golden, but its five fingers were black, as if it had been poisoned.

There was also a large group of jeering demons around.

"How dare you fight the Lich King? You're really overestimating yourself!"

"However, this human woman is quite capable. She actually has a Dharma treasure like the vajra ring. Unfortunately, she can't defeat the Lich King!"

"Of course. Our Lich King is one of the top 10 magicians in the Western Demon Realm. How can she fight against the Lich King?"

"He'll take care of her in one move!"

This group of demons did not think that Wang Wanqing could match the Lich King in terms of spells.

Just an hour ago, Wang Wanqing arrived at Mountain of Myriad Boats and clocked in.