Is This The Ginsengfruit?

Su Qianqian did not feel much surprise.

After all, the Six-Eared Macaque had mentioned that there was a Ginsengfruit in the Five Views Manor. She could be pleasantly surprised at most.

However, she learned from her father that she had eaten the Ginsengfruit.

Hence, Su Qianqian no longer had any expectations for the Ginsengfruit.

However, the Magic Cloud King of the Five Views Manor could still bring her anticipation. At the very least, it was cotton candy!

She just didn't know if this cotton candy was sweet.

About half an hour later.

At the Five Views Manor.

The demonic aura here soared into the sky.

The surroundings were filled with demons.

However, the demons gathered were all lv.20 - 30 demons.

It was as if they had come to burn incense and pray to Buddha every festival. It was just that crowded.

Su Qianqian and the others also knew that today was the day of the opening of the Five Views Manor.