The Old Demon Black Mountain Of The Three Stars Cave!

The netizen said, "Su Qianqian already has such an awesome father. Why did he still send his daughter to kindergarten?"

The netizens also realized this problem.

Not only did she study, but she also had other daily life activities. She was no different from the children in the Dragon Kingdom.

She went to school when she had to, went to the amusement park when she wanted to, ate when she needed to, and slept on time.

This was really no different from a child from an ordinary family.

"Perhaps Su Yang, this super big shot, wants to give Su Qianqian the childhood of an ordinary person?"

"We don't understand what the big shot is thinking!"

"If you understand, you'll be a super big shot."

"Perhaps it's true that it's normal. It's a blessing to be healthy. If Su Qianqian hadn't been chosen by the Heavenly Dao System to become the Chosen One, how could we have known that Su Yang was a super big shot?"