The Six-Eared Macaque Was Actually Played Like A Monkey!

The Shadow Pig asked, "Brother Monkey, is this Celestial Horse King testing Master's wits or is he sincere?"

"Wits!" the Six-Eared Macaque said.

Su Qianqian asked, "What is wits? I have a villa at home. I bought it with money. Dad was very happy at that time."

When she said this, Su Qianqian's face was also filled with pride.

However, the netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream did not think much of it.

"That's true. At that time, I foolishly thought that Su Yang was a father who lived off his daughter and took the Heavenly Dao coins that his daughter had obtained to buy a house and a car. What happened in the end?"

"I shouldn't have believed what you said back then. If I had known, I would have come out to protect him at that time and get involved with him. Then, I would have really soared into the sky. What a pity!"

"This is fate. Don't force it."