The Next Checkpoint Is Lion Camel Ridge!


In an instant, the purple True Dragon phantom rushed towards the Flood Dragon Demon King.

However, the Flood Dragon Demon King was actually breathing.

The Flood Dragon Demon King, who was breathing in the water, seemed to have spat out a waterspout.


The waterspout collided with the True Dragon phantom.

But less than three seconds later, the waterspout was dispersed by the True Dragon Phantom.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The Flood Dragon Demon King was extremely afraid. That was the breath he was proud of!

But what?

Unexpectedly, it was scattered by Su Qianqian's roaming dragon cry, and it did not last for more than three seconds.

"Mother, save me!"

Before he could finish speaking, the Flood Dragon Demon King actually used his mother as a shield.

This was really filial.