Black Crow Spirit? I'm afraid It's A Toad!

"Master, I found out."

The Six-Eared Macaque squeaked twice, and then said, "Golden Peng Island has more than 30,000 demon soldiers. There are a total of 12 generals, and each general's strength is second only to the Golden Peng King's."

Six-Eared Macaque said it all in one breath.

Wang Wanqing said, "Six-Eared Macaque, you don't have to be in such a hurry. Speak slowly."

The Six-Eared Macaque nodded, and then said, "Martial Aunt, that Golden Peng King is very strong. It's said that he's at lv.48, and he has two guards with him who are at lv.47. I heard that he also has two very powerful Dharma treasures. One is a Dharma treasure that can absorb thousands of demons, and the other is a Dharma treasure that can make the Golden Peng King immortal.

"The demons in the village don't know what Dharma treasure it is."