Chaos Demon Child, Nezha!

But in the next moment, the flames were actually enveloped by something ice-blue.

"What sorcery is this?" The Red Fire Boy's pupils suddenly constricted. He didn't expect there to be a sorcery that could freeze his True Samadhi Fire.

"It's not sorcery, it's a ghost curse spell that Sister Eerie taught me," Su Qianqian said honestly.

The netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream were naturally very clear about Su Qianqian's ice ghost curse spell.

However, they did not expect that the ice ghost curse spell could actually freeze the True Samadhi Fire.

The Red Fire Boy was terrified.

However, Su Qianqian did not give him any time to react.

In an instant, Su Qianqian appeared in front of the Red Fire Boy, and struck his head again and again.

After a total of seven strikes, the Red Fire Boy fell to the ground, and could not get up.

Then, blood lumps appeared on the Red Fire Boy's head one after another.