The Next Time We Meet, We'll Be Enemies!

Liu Qiming said, "Of course, but the special Heavenly Dao rewards we'll receive are probably not ordinary. Let's look forward to it!"

Liu Qiming was also looking forward to what kind of special Heavenly Dao reward he would receive.

Immediately, the voice of the Heavenly Dao System spread.

[Congratulations, Chosen One No. 2, for obtaining a special Heavenly Dao reward—Ancient Desolation Sacred Body!]

Hearing this, the eyes of the netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream widened.

"What the hell is that?"

"The Ancient Desolation Sacred Body is out?"

"Isn't this a fictional physique?"

"Could it be that the Ancient Desolation Sacred Body really exists?"

Many netizens knew that the Ancient Desolation Sacred Body was the strongest physique of the human race.