Is A Golden Toad Larger Than A Human Delicious?

A shock wave came from the cave.

Everyone knew that otherworldly beasts above lv.10 could make their beast blood boil and release beast elemental waves.

In the cave, a toad shining brightly with golden light entered Su Qianqian's sight.

The netizens in the Heavenly Dao livestream also saw this golden toad that was even bigger than Su Qianqian through her livestream.

"I didn't expect a Golden Toad to also be in the Otherworldly Beasts of Mountains and Seas."

"Does our Blue Planet have an animal like the Golden Toad?"

"I don't think so!"

"Yes, the Three-legged Golden Toad attracts money."

The netizens were confused. They were not sure if the Golden Toad really existed. After all, they had never seen it before, and had only heard of it.