There Are Really People Who Are Not Afraid Of Death In This World!

She didn't die!

A bump surfaced in the ashes.

What was burned was only the outer layer.

The netizens did not know what method Shen Yan had used.

Because it didn't look like a treasure.

It could only be said that she had other methods.

If Shen Yan was strong enough, she could've killed the otherworldly beast called Zhubi Bird with her own strength.

Since it was neither a treasure nor her own strength, what tricks and methods were there?

Shen Yan came out from the ashes.

"Ordinary flames.

"It's a shame about my thousand-yuan dress."

Shen Yan sighed.

Hearing this, the netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream immediately could not remain calm.

"A thousand yuan's worth of clothes can withstand the burning of the flames?"

"It's impossible. There must be something else."

"Look at Shen Yan. She's not some big shot!"

"If she's a big shot, then I'm a big shot too."