You Actually Used The Dragon Slayer Blade To Cut Vegetables?

Zhang Bo looked at Su Qianqian, who continued to fry the tenderloin.

Beside Su Qianqian was a recipe book.

"Are you making filet mignon?" Zhang Bo asked.

"I don't know." Su Qianqian shook her head.

Zhang Bo did not care too much about what kind of steak she was making and how cooked it was.

His mind was not on eating, but on points.

However, Zhang Bo was not in a hurry. Today was only the first day of the trial, and the second trial had only been going on for more than two hours.

It was a full seven days, so he didn't have to worry so much about points.

However, if there were only a day or two left, he would really have to hunt otherworldly beasts with all his might for points.

"Qianqian, Uncle Bo wants to ask you some more questions," Zhang Bo asked politely.

However, Su Qianqian didn't reply immediately. Instead, she focused on the tenderloin.

Zhang Bo was not in a hurry.

Three minutes later.