A Candle Dragon Otherworldly Beast That Controls Time?

Huang Lu and the others immediately looked at Su Qianqian.

Why was Su Qianqian calling? Whom was she calling?

Actually, Huang Lu and the rest knew very well that she had to be calling Su Yang.

As for why she called, it had to be because there was something wrong, and Su Qianqian wanted to ask Su Yang herself.

This was also Su Qianqian's habit.

When she encountered something she didn't understand, she would call her father and ask.

In Su Qianqian's eyes, her father was not only the greatest father, but also an omnipotent and omniscient father.

No one could replace Su Yang. This was an ironclad truth in Su Qianqian's heart.

Beep! Beep!

The call was immediately picked up.

"Daddy!" Su Qianqian's childish voice reached Su Yang's ears.

The cuteness was not only in her voice, but also in the way she called him "daddy"!