The Evolution Of The Otherworldly Beasts Of Mountains And Seas!

"Yes, I want to join the team," Jiang Che said.

Huang Lu said, "You're stronger than us. There's no need for that, right?"

"Your words are too stand-offish. I'm serious." Jiang Che's expression was still as sly as ever. He was like a big bad wolf, treating Huang Lu and the others as prey.

Huang Lu knew that people from the Zongheng lineage were all unpredictable. One second they were calling you brother, and the next they were stabbing you in the back.

There was a familiar term for such a person: a crafty and fawning person.

This was not something that an opportunist could compare to.

He was not an ingrate who was not well-fed. He was even more disgusting than an ingrate.

When Huang Lu and the others didn't join forces to beat up Jiang Che, they were already giving him face.

How could they let Jiang Che join the team?

The netizens in the Heavenly Dao's live-stream seemed to have seen the discordant atmosphere.