Binding The Xing Xiu Otherworldly Beast To Fight!

She had killed it.

It was so simple and fast.

It was clearly a lv.39 uncommon otherworldly beast Tu, but what about it?

In the end, it was still easily killed by Su Qianqian.

The netizens in the Heavenly Dao live-stream did not exclaim because of this.

They knew.

After all, in the previous Otherworld Instance Dungeon Western Demon Realm, Su Qianqian's strength had already exceeded lv.50.

Now, it was easy to kill a lv.39 otherworldly beast, even if it was an uncommon one.

In an instant, the wind chimes sounded.

It sounded so familiar.

Immediately after, the Heavenly Dao System's voice entered Su Qianqian's ears.

[Congratulations, Chosen One No. 1, for obtaining 100,000 points in Area D and completing the fourth trial of the Otherworldly Beasts of Mountains and Seas.]

[Trial 5: Chosen One No. 1, please obtain 1,000,000 points within three months.]