A Famous Scene Of The Survival Of The Fittest!

At the same time.

Area D.

Tao Zhiming and Liu Guangwei came to the second sinkhole.

It was a sinkhole of a volcanic island.

They discovered traces of Su Qianqian's presence again.

However, they did not encounter any danger.

"Uncle Liu, what do you think?" Tao Zhiming asked.

Liu Guangwei shook his head, and said, "I can't say."

Liu Guangwei really didn't know what to say. He just felt that it was very strange.

The strange thing was not that there were no otherworldly beasts here, but corpses of many otherworldly beasts had appeared here, as if they had been sacrificed.

They knew that this was definitely not Su Qianqian's doing.

Then it could only be done by otherworldly beasts.