Getting Closer To Death!

Huang Lu and Chu Xinran passed the third trial, and started the fourth trial. They also entered Area D.

However, in Area D, only Zhang Bo, Jiang Wushi, Tao Zhiming, Chu Xinran, and Huang Lu were left.

As for Liu Guangwei, he started the fifth trial.

Huang Lu and the others gathered together.

This was because there were no longer any uncommon otherworldly beasts in Area D.

"Qianqian should have reached the sixth trial by now, right?" Jiang Wushi asked.

Zhang Bo said, "We still don't know about the fifth trial."

"That's simple," Huang Lu said.

"Simple?" Jiang Wushi asked in confusion.

Huang Lu said bluntly, "Isn't Qianqian in the fifth trial? She's probably going to share it with us."

Chu Xinran said, "That night, when we were sleeping, I had a private conversation with Sister Huang Lu and Qianqian. Of course, it wasn't just about food."

After all, Huang Lu had already become Su Qianqian's godmother.