Technical Exchange Of Otherworldly Beasts!

"But I still think Lin Gongshuang is the best!"

"I'm a good-looking dog. My looks are more important than anything!"

"Is Lin Gongshuang only good-looking? She's an all-rounded woman!"

"That's right. Women who are too powerful and perfect are usually lonely for the rest of their lives."

"Men are too strong, aren't they?"

Everyone seemed to have thought of one person at the same time.

That was Su Yang!

However, on second thought, Su Qianqian seemed to be following in Su Yang's footsteps.

She might even surpass Su Yang!

They knew very well that Su Qianqian was only five years old, and yet was so powerful that even the big shots of the cultivation world had to bow down to her.

Would such a powerful person really have friends?

Of course she would.

The discussion in the Heavenly Dao live-stream instantly ended.

Everyone turned their attention to Su Qianqian's live broadcast.